Virus vs Bacteria

Viruses are considered to be geometric, formulated structures. Viruses remain dormant until they encounter a cell. They have the capability to “invade” a cell and manipulate its structure for their own purposes. Viruses are made up of genetic material protected inside a protein structure, known as a capsid. This genetic material includes both DNA and RNA. Some common viruses include polio, rabies, herpes, and influenza. While viruses are considered destructive, they can be useful in scientific experiments and genetic engineering programs. Viruses are the smallest known form of life.

Bacteria, on the other hand, exist in their own independent cells. They can reproduce without the help of any external body. Unlike most viruses, a great number of bacterium are valuable to life cycles. Bacteria assist in producing substances humans need to survive. Some well-known forms of bacteria include E. Coli, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Bacteria is considered to be a type of living organism, and are notably larger than viruses. Bacterium reproduce through a process called fission, the division of one cell into two or more separate parts. Bacteria was first identified by Dutch scientist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek in the 1600’s. He was the first person to observe single-celled organisms with his microscopes crafted by hand.

Learn 7 Ways
To Get Rid Of Bacteria

The treatments of diseases caused by viruses and bacterium vary in numerous ways. While bacteria can be destroyed with the use of antibiotic medicines, the most popular way to discourage viral infection is to utilize a vaccine.

Even though the end results of a viral or bacterial infection may seem alike to the uninformed person, the cellular and molecular structures of the two are wildly dissimilar. They are dealt with in separate ways and utilized in experiments in a different sense. Microbiologists and specialists devote their lives to the distinction and study of viruses and bacteria.

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